October 30, 2003

Be more courageous!

For one who believes (or is compelled to believe) that he has no talent for doing a meaningful research, and who easily becomes discouraged by the lack of brilliance (that is, like me), KKV(King, Keohane, Verba) are giving a very encouraging point.

...At this stage (where they find that their research questions are not appropriate, collected data set is not fit for testing hypotheses, and inferred conclusion seems to be not so meaningful), researchers often become discouraged. They mistakenly believe that other social scientists find close, immediate fits between data and research. This perception is due to the fact that investigators often take down the scaffolding after putting up their intellectual buildings, leaving little trace of the agony and uncertainty of construction. (KKV 1994:13)

Well, I'm not alone!!

Posted by Tianan at 01:04 AM | Comments (25)

October 29, 2003




Posted by Tianan at 12:14 AM | Comments (6)

October 28, 2003

'Thirty, the party's over'

...잔치는 끝났다
술 떨어지고, 사람들은 하나 둘 지갑을 챙기고
마침내 그도 갔지만
마지막 셈을 마치고 제각기 신발을 찾아 신고 떠났지만
어렴풋이 나는 알고 있다
여기 홀로 누군가 마지막까지 남아
주인 대신 상을 치우고
그 모든 걸 기억해내며 뜨거운 눈물 흘리리란 걸
그가 부르다 만 노래를 마저 고쳐 부르리란 걸
어쩌면 나는 알고 있다
누군가 그 대신 상을 차리고, 새벽이 오기 전에
다시 사람들을 불러 모으리란 걸
환하게 불 밝히고 무대를 다시 꾸미리라

그러나 대체 뭐가 상관이란 말인가

When I read this poem first in my freshman year, I imagined how I would feel if I read it again at 30. Today, I turned 28 (27 in Japan). Thank god! I still have two years before the party is over. Anyway, finding it on the internet by chance and reading again, it's kind of hard to figure out why the poem attracted so much attention at the time. Well, at least for now, I feel nothing in it..

Posted by Tianan at 12:48 AM | Comments (17)

October 25, 2003



 呉さんとのLanguage Exchangeはま、今のところは順調。無理してまで強行したのがやっぱりよかった。言葉ってなんと言ってもリズムを失わないのが大事だ。今は30分位で論文1ページを大声で読む位のペースだが、徐々にペースを引き上げる考え。少しずつスピードがついているし、発音もだんだん正確になっているし、この調子で行こう。

Posted by Tianan at 02:38 AM | Comments (27)

October 19, 2003

the time when I hope to be at home most

  ソウルに帰りたい! 袋特技の、カラーイ“콩나물국”さえ飲めば、こんな風邪なんてすぐ治るだろうと、思う。あー、しんどーい! 

Posted by Tianan at 06:48 AM | Comments (25)

October 17, 2003

THE BIG ONE is coming?

This time it's really scary..damn. I was taking note in Hujiwara's class when it started "up and down." First, windows were shaking, and the next the whole building. Well, I still have enough faith in my friend Nakanishi's (who mistakenly believes that he has some talent for predicting) promise that nothing's gonna happen in the near future, but definitely it's getting tougher to deal with.

Posted by Tianan at 02:03 AM | Comments (25)

October 13, 2003


정말 오랜만에, 도쿄를 벗어났다. 서울은 그 자체가 한국이지만, 도쿄는 그 자체로 일본을 표상하지 못한다. 도쿄가 표상하는 것은, 일본의 전체도 일부분도 아닌, 도쿄 그 자체다. 결국, 도쿄를 벗어나지 않고서는 일본을 볼 수 없다.

정말 오랜만에, 강가에서 고기를 잡았다. 잡았다기 보다는, 그물에 걸린 녀석들을 바구니에 넣은 것 뿐이지만. 생각해 보니, 무언가 살아 움직이는 것을 손에 쥐어 본 것이, 군대시절 고참이 키우던 햄스터를 씻기던 때가 마지막이었던 것 같다.

Posted by Tianan at 01:55 AM | Comments (26)

October 12, 2003

"The Golden Times" and the legacy of Tiananmen

Preparing my resume for this month's IIDS, I found that there was a period in '80s that was called 'the golden times' of Sino-American relations. During the period from 83(the next year of the second Shanghai Communique) to 88(just before the Tiananmen massacre), the Reagan administration forged a closer, more extensive working relationship with China than the two governments had before or have had since, which is surprising, given the 90's of endless confrontations and bitter recriminations.

Then, what factors were behind this 'golden times'? What bound the two countries together during the period? With this era of good feeling in mind, what accounts for the troubled relationship in the following years? How important the 1989 Tiananmen incident is in explaining the continuity or change of the Sino-American relations?

Three books might be helpful to answering these questions, although not perfectly.

1) Mann, J. (1999). About face : a history of America's curious relationship with China from Nixon to Clinton. New York, Alfred Knopf : Distributed by Random House.
2) Lampton, D. M. (2001). Same bed, different dreams : managing U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000. Berkeley, University of California Press.
3) Suettinger, R. (2003). Beyond Tiananmen : the politics of U.S.-China relations, 1989-2000. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press.

Instead of the first two books, both of which many of you may have already read, it would be better to say something about Suettinger's, simply because I bought it Yesterday! (it was totally coincidental for me to buy this book - I was writing about US-China relations in the 80s and in the middle of writing, I went to bookstore, and the book was there!; there are very few English books in Todai's bookstore)

Beyond Tiananmen is noteworthy in its analysis on the implications of the Tiananmen incident. The bloodshed of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, the author writes, shifted the relationship between the United States and China from "amity and strategic cooperation to hostility, distrust, and misunderstanding." In the 12 succeeding years, bilateral relations never evolved 'beyond Tiananmen,' and the legacy of that disastrous affair continues to shape Sino-American relations to this day. Tiananmen constitutes, Suettinger also argues, a turning point in the sense that the bilateral relationship lost its insulation from domestic politics. But neither country did not realize this change. Still obsessed with previous strategic considerations and lacking a understanding of the 'new' forces influencing the policy process of the other, neither country has been succesful at anticipating the other's policies or foreseeing likely responses to its own initiatives. Chinese bellicosity toward Taiwan and American lectures on religious freedom, both of which only caused the reverse effect, are good examples of the argument. In this regard, his argument resonates with Mann's criticism against the U.S. view of China in the 80s. In About Face, Mann contends that America's naive optimism of China's domestic change in the 80s which turned out to be a mere wishful thinking was partly responsible for the sudden disenchantment with China after Tiananmen. (the Chinese euphoria that swept America during the 80s was nowhere more apparent than Regan's remark about "the so-called Communist country"in 1984)

The overall tone of the analysis is somewhat glum, but Suettinger concludes, what came to be clear throughout the 90s is that the bilateral ties were too crucial to the two side's fundamental interests to permit the relationship to collapse altogether.

Yet some quetions still remain. Is it really true that the Tiananmen 'massacre' changed everything? Wasn't there any sign of the cleavage in the relationship before Tiananmen? To what extent can the common strategic interest explain the golden era of 80's? What about some arguments that the Soviet threat binding the two countries together after Nixon's visit to Beijing had already lost its initial urgency by early 80s and the decline of strategic value of the other was already recognized by both governments?

Posted by Tianan at 02:27 AM | Comments (25)

October 09, 2003




Posted by Tianan at 02:40 AM | Comments (25)

October 03, 2003

9.8, one-third, 6

These three figures are worthy of note.
1) 9.8: Japan's youth(aged 18-24) unemployment rate as of September, 2003.
Many critics (especially of Mr. Takenaka) claim that the government spend more money to boost the economy so that fims hire more young workers. But it is quite doubtful that much of the idle young is doing nothing just because there are no jobs.

2) One-third: the decline rate of sales of luxury goods in Japan since 1996.
Is this an encouraging sign that Japanese consumers, who buy about 40 percent of the world's high-end handbags, shoes, watches, and other items, are beginning to look harder at what they are buying? Or, another warning signal that Japanese economy is now losing its last resort for recovery?

3) 6: the gap between urban and rural income in China
The widening incoming gap is often cited by observers as the most dangerous threat to social stability. The disparity may be more grave than it seems, given that a similarly sharp divergence has occured between wealthy coastal provinces and the backward interior.

Posted by Tianan at 01:42 AM | Comments (26)

October 01, 2003







 何より、「大国」ということをいかに定義し、またそれをいかに測定可能な形で再定義するか(operational definition)の問題がある。たとえば、日本が「大国」だという場合、それはアメリカが「大国」だということと、どう違うのか、また、日本が自ら「大国」と認識することと、外部でそう認識されることは、果たして時を共にして起きるのであろうか、などが指摘されうると思う。こうした観点から見ると、今日の発表の中で、70年代前半までの対東南アジア政策とそれ以後のものとを隔てる基準は、必ずしもはっきりとしていない。「経済大国」外交の一特徴としてあげられた、政治的な意図を経済的な手段を持って伝える外交という基準自体が、極めて曖昧であるからである。たとえば、60年代の所謂「経済成長」外交に見られるような政策、すなわち、東南アジアに援助し、その経済発展を助け、ひいて市場を育成することによって日本の経済成長のテコにするという政策は、果たして「非政治的な」意図のもとで行われたのあろうか。

ちなみに、岡部先生のおっしゃったことの中で、「日本の外交政策を研究する際には、' Policy-making process' と 'Decision-making process'を区分しなきゃならない」というのは、具体的に何を意味しているんだろう。

Posted by Tianan at 12:55 AM | Comments (25)